Saturday 28 February 2015

Boris Nemtsov: Critic of Putin shot dead in Moscow

 Boris Nemtsov was killed today within a stones throw of the Kremlin, he was 55. A sharp critic of President Putin, Nemtsov dreamt of a Russia free of Putin and his dislike of oligarchs and western-imperialism, where all his banker and fascist buddies could have a grand ol' time, introducing GMO foods and all the great things a fascist Government has to offer, but unfortunately none of that is possible with Putin in the way, so it seems boris nemtsov will join the list of "fierce advocates for human rights" the west seems to love parading on mainstream news. It has not even been a day and already Obama is in the White House calling on Russia for a "full, impartial and transparent" investigation to bring the perpetrators of this "shameful act of violence" as Stephen Harper said, to justice. It all seems like Deja-Vu, Just last july a Malaysian Airlines 777-200ER was downed in Eastern Ukraine, immediately the Western governments and people convicted Putin and the apparent "Russian-backed Rebels" of the murder of 283 passengers and 15 crew, without a single shred of evidence, besides a video depicting a Russian-backed rebel and a Russian general speaking about the crash on a phone, but that video was a fake, and none of the evidence now supports a Buk missile was the cause, nor is there any evidence supporting their Theory of Events, and when the evidence was racking up against the Ukrainian Air Force it promptly dropped from the Western News, only RT is still airing documentaries on the Incident, but that is another post..Already we are seeing the western people convicting Putin of a conspiracy to "Take out his opposition" in an elaborate Soviet style takeover of Russia, crushing anyone who dares call him out, but the truth is..Mr. Nemtsov wasn't really a threat to Putin, who during the Maidan-Revolution in Ukraine(U.S funded coup)had an approval rating of 86%, and even if he was, why would Putin be so stupid to eliminate his "opposition" at a point in time where he can't even be late to a meeting without western media calling him out, I'm surprised he can even take a bathroom break without being accused of a conspiracy to contaminate toilet seats with his cold-war KGB butt. Putin has proven himself to be a flawless tactician, testament to the desperation of Western-Leaders screaming The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!! to gain support for their failed attempt to snatch up Crimea, with it's Russian Black Sea fleet stationed in Sevastopol, and it's oil reserves off shore, Exxon and Shell will have to look elsewhere now, as Putin knew exactly what they really wanted and now the only hope the West has is overthrowing Putin himself, which brings us back to the story.

Cui Bono?
A question which any Homicide detective will ask, who benfits? President Putin certainly has nothing to gain by perpetrating a cold-war style hit on a man who said numerous times he was fearing Putin would kill him, but maybe someone took advantage of Nemtsov's fears, and used them as an opportunity for more Anti-Big bad Vlad fever, bet it wouldn't be the first time the CIA played that card throughout their dark history of mind control projects and Political Killings, and when you ask the question of who benefits NATO's name pops up, it all seems a lot clearer now doesn't it? Here's my theory. NATO who has been desperate to build public perception of Putin as an Evil, freedom hating public dissidence crushing reckless leader, who must be taken out of power, hires some hitmen(Or CIA making it look like hitmen)to kill a Russian opposition leader who claims he received death threats and that Putin was going to kill him(How would he know who sent those threats?)and coincidentally he ends up dead just before a march he organized against "Putin's war of aggression" in Ukraine, all seems too well planned to me, and if Putin planned it, he certainly wouldn't do it at this point in time, just before this rally...So, who benefits? NATO not Russia, already it looks like the West is at it again, and they may have blew it like MH17, Putin most likely knows it was the West, and he's dedicated his top Police officials to the case to find the ones who did it, early reports from police say they found six bullet casings at the scene, and eyewitnesses report a white 4-door with no license plates sped off after firing four shots at nemtsov but eyewitness reports are sketchy, I guess like any murder investigation we'll just have to wait for the evidence to be examined, until then we should reserve our judgements, as in this world it's not what you think, it's what you can prove.

For Red Blue Paradigms, I'm Anthony Scalizzi.

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