Saturday 28 February 2015

MH-17: After The Media Frenzy

             Mh-17: After The Media Frenzy
It has been quite some time now since Malaysia Airlines MH-17 met it's unfortunate end in Eastern Ukraine, killing 283 passengers and 15 crew, it has been a long time since it dropped from the Mainstream news after the frenzy of Anti-Russian sentiment it started, not even a day after the crash and Putin was convicted of this disgusting act, accused of supplying the apparent Buk Missile which the apparently Russian-Backed Rebels used in a tragic incident of mistaken identity, as to be expected the West barely had a shred of evidence backing their claims, but expected the sheep to accept it as fact based on the fact that Russia was "Invading Ukraine". I wasn't buying that, it seemed a bit suspicious that not even a day had passed and already the West was jumping on Russia, and from the very beginning I had a bad feeling, understanding a little bit about Surface-To-Air missiles the damage and evidence didn't match up, no engine from the Missile was found nor was their any evidence of a launch, or a missile system in the area, and no eyewitnesses reported seeing a midair explosion or a trail of smoke that the missile would have left, below is some photos of a Buk system launch.
The Launch of a Buk system is very noticeable from a number of kilometers away, and certainly if the U.S had satellites watching the location as they said, they would have easily seen a Buk system launch, when this missile launches it shakes the ground and the noise it makes is unmistakeable for anything else, it is a rocket after all, and anyone who's heard a NASA shuttle lifting-off has some idea of what it would sound like, but make no mistake, it is not as loud as a lift-off, I used that as a reference.

One of the first things the U.S said it had to support their Theory was Satellite images, but nothing was ever provided, the other evidence they had was social-media posts and a video released by the SSU claiming to have intercepted a phone conversation, between a Russian-Backed rebel and a Russian general, everyone desperate to keep on living in their dream land of Democracy snatched this up like their favorite teddy bear and went to bed, but upon further review the video was nothing more than a compilation of multiple sound files linked together, created a half-hour before the downing of MH-17...Which shows they had knowledge of what was going to happen, which now turns the finger at Ukraine, and their NATO pals..So if it wasn't a Buk missile, then what was it? with that I will insert this video of a CBC interveiw so you can hear what one of the first western investigators on scene observed at the scene.

Skip to 6:00 if you just want to hear what damages he observed on the plane.

"Pockmarked" with what looks like "Very very strong machine gun fire" Now we're getting somehwere..And the evidence I can see, points to that exact conclusion, but he's not the only one who thinks so, many experts in the field of air disasters and career pilots have expressed their doubts in the official explanation, and instead suspect that a fighter jet firing "30mm" rounds is much more likely the real cause. What plane could shoot down MH-17?
The SU-25 "Gratch" NATO codename "Frogfoot" is a Russian-Made ground attack aircraft, some consider it better than the American A-10 Warthog. Firing a wide range of missiles, and with a 30mm double barrel cannon, this is more than enough firepower to down a 777-200ER, and eyewitnesses reported an SU-25 flying near the crash site, Ukraine denies having any SU-25's in the air that day, but an anonymous man stationed near Dnepropetrovsk in the small town of Aviators'ke at the airport, reported three SU-25's taking off from the airport, loaded with expired Soviet-Era air-to-air missiles, but hours later only one SU-25 returned, With no missiles and one shaken up pilot who emerged saying "It wasn't the right plane". Mainstream believers countered this Theory by saying an SU-25 could not have climbed to the altitude of the Airliner at Flight level 330(33,000 feet) Instead they claimed it could only reach 7,000 Meters and they're right..If it's just a regular flight, but during military action with pilots wearing oxygen masks, this plane can easily reach well over 11,000 Meters and even 13,000 if needed, which puts MH-17 well within reach of a skilled pilot with an oxygen mask.

Tragic Accident? Or False-flag.
 So with the official Theory of the crash seeming more and more unlikely, we will look at the other possible theories explaining what happened, we can't nor will we understand exactly what happened unless god himself shows us, but we can make educated guesses using basic Critical thinking, and an unbiased review of the Evidence. I will list the main Theories I find most plausible, based on my review on evidence I can gather.

The Accidental SU-25 Shoot down cover-up.
 There was a war going on after all, stress of a combat operation could definitely result in a Pilot making a poor decision and shooting down a passenger jet who he mis-identified as an enemy aircraft, it seems plausible. This would have been covered-up because if people in the west found out Ukraine downed a passenger jet, no one would have supported funding Ukraine or supplying them with weapons, a theory I tend to support because this looked like a poorly constructed and not planned event. 

The Putin Assassination Attempt.
Putin is waging war against the Global elite, not with bombs but with Money, directly confronting them where it hurts, their wallets..We've seen leaders do it in the past, and they all met terrible ends. Saddam Hussein threatened to sell his oil in euros thus undermining the Petro-dollar, he was overthrow and killed on live TV. The list goes on, Gadhafi was working on a new gold-backed currency with African Nations to sell oil, The Gold Dinar, not long after Gadhafi was killed by U.S funded terrorists hailed as Freedom fighters by the West, who after it was over, sold their guns to Al-Qaeda and now fight for ISIS. Those are just a few examples, there are many more, but be assured target the Petro-dollar and you'll have a Price on your head. Putin is part of the BRICS Nations(Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) Direct competition to the Petro-dollar and IMF, the elite know without Russia, China won't threaten them, China only cares about money not war, but in order to get rid of Russia Putin needs to go. Putin was on his way back to Russia after attending the BRICS Meeting in Brazil, he took a similar flight path to MH-17, and from a distance his IL-96 looks fairly similar to a Malaysia Airlines 777, here's an image showing the similarities.
 As you can see from a distance it would be hard to tell the two apart, add in the fact the pilot would only have a short time to down the plane, and that the IL-96 would have countermeasures and possible jamming equipment on board, it could be a case of mistaken identity. Sheep would probably say this is a ridiculous Theory, but I don't put anything past these people anymore, It also kind of reminds me of the video game Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in which the Russian Presidential Jet crashes into a combat zone, where soldiers loyal to the President protect him against Makarov, a whore who kills people for money and wants Nuclear War with the West, maybe some predictive programming? But that's just me...This Theory does seem like a Valid one, but seems very sloppy and not like their past attempts, but it would be amusing for them pushing the lie that the "Pro-Russian Rebels" killed the President of Russia with their own Buk Launcher..This theory needs work but as I said before, it is plausible.
The False-Flag.
What most Critical thinkers can agree on is the official story is bogus, and evidence now points at Ukraine and NATO, if they weren't planning to kill Putin, was this a planned False-flag to build more Anti-Russian sentiment, and justify a war in Ukraine with Russia? Or was it simply another Psy-Op like 9/11? If it was a false-flag it failed miserably and may indicate a decline in the Elite's pull on the world stage, they may be overreaching and losing control over the situation, this desperation will lead to them getting sloppy and doing things they wouldn't normally do, maybe like gunning down Russian opposition leaders in Moscow? I guess we will see as time goes on.
In Closing.
At the end of the day, 298 people aren't kissing their children goodnight anymore, or hugging the people they loved most, children aren't growing older, and the mothers and fathers of victims mourn the loss of their children, who they raised with love hoping they would grow old and live a long, fulfilling life. Whoever downed this Airliner will all face the same god these people who were killed did, and he knows who and what did this, he does not forget nor does he forgive those who don't seek him for forgiveness, this same god gives me the strength to keep motivated in my goal of spreading the truth wherever I can, so that one day Evil will have no hiding place left on this beautiful earth, together we can do our part for those we have lost, and be merciless against the evil forces of this earth when they show their ugly faces amongst us, the stories of those who died that terrible day in July may have ended, but while we draw breath we must continue ours in honor of them..
For Red Blue Paradigms, I'm Anthony Scalizzi.       

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