Monday 2 March 2015

Nemtsov Murder: The New MH-17.

I decided to make a follow-up post to my original Boris Nemtsov story to counter the propaganda fest that is currently happening. Boris Nemtsov's death is quickly turning into what I knew it would, a brand shiny new MH-17 accusation fest mainstream news and the willfully blind jumped on like a trampoline, seeing how high they can take the Anti-Russian sentiment, constructing their very own conspiracy theory of Putin organizing a gangland style drive-by shooting in a police state takeover of Russia, tying up loose ends by killing his "only critic" ??? I highly doubt he has only one critic in the largest nation on earth, and most of his critics are all pro-western puppets who would sell Russia to the highest bidder, but as we usually see the U.S and the West do, they're making Nemtsov into a martyr they can use to further their own agenda, like calling him a "Tireless advocate for Russian people's rights" as U.S President Obama said, how about when a U.S citizen working for PressTV an Iranian news agency gets killed in a suspicious vehicle accident just days after saying she had proof of turkey smuggling ISIS fighters into Syria using aid vehicles, a major violation of international law the president doesn't come out and condemn her death? Why? Because that has no benefit to the diplocraps in Washington or the EU. So one lie after another we will disarm the current wave of Anti-Putin's Russia propaganda being thrown around by people who watch too much CBC.  

Russia is a police state.
This lie is what most people who are saying "Putin did it!" think, no they've never been to Russia or watched him speak no they're never studied Russian politics or know how anything works in Russia, they are just armchair travelers who have only heard about Russia in Call of Duty or as an Enemy to the U.S in a movie. Sadly I have never been but I unlike people who need a bad guy to sleep at night, actually google "What is Russia really like?" and up popped thousands of actual accounts of dual citizens and Russians themselves questioning where western news gets their info from, one thing they can agree on is Putin is no saint, but when you compare him to western leaders I doubt he's any worse, I'm no Putin lover I just support the truth, and truth is Russia is not a police state.

Russia invaded Crimea and is militarily engaged with Ukraine.
Ah the good ol' Ukraine Crisis, all Russia's fault with their "Invasion and annexation of Crimea" by means of holding AK-74's to voters heads and threatening to kill them if they didn't vote Russian..None of the above was true, Crimea has the Russian Black Sea fleet stationed in Sevastopol and because of that, had an agreement with Ukraine which allowed for 25,000 Russian troops on Crimean soil at any time, including the vehicles needed to transport them. The Crimean people had a fair vote, observed by international observers, which surprisingly weren't allowed to monitor the Scottish referendum in the clearly morally superior United Kingdom? Crimean's voted overwhelmingly in favor of joining the Russian Federation by over 95% and was the vote rigged? Not according to the International observers which did not spot anything like that. Critics argued that because Russian soldiers were in Crimea during the vote that the vote was a violation of international law, but no one seemed to care when American soldiers monitored the Afghanistan elections, you could argue Afghanistan was a war zone and needed a Military presence to avoid attacks, which is a completely fair counter, but what made Crimea any different? with the amount of Far-Right militias in Ukraine angry at Russia for holding the referendum, who could be sure they wouldn't try to attack? The conflict in Eastern Ukraine is a different story, it has been a mess since the "Pro-Russian Protesters" took over Ukraine government buildings in protest of the heavy-handed tactics of Pro-EU protesters and the newly coup imposed western puppet government. Donetsk and Lugansk held referendums not long after the Maidan-Revolution in Kyiv, the people voted to become independent from the Pro-West government in Kyiv, sparking a Ukrainian "Anti-terrorist" operation..I didn't know who they were calling terrorists, but it turned out they meant anyone who wasn't "Ukrainian" thousands of civilians were the target of Ukrainian artillery shells, losing houses and loved ones by the hundreds while the west kept silent like they did with Gaza, I watched in horror as the Government Canada was supporting targeted civilians without mercy, but the "Pro-Russian rebels" began pushing the Ukrainian army back toward their Reich in Kyiv, saving thousands of civilians from being ethnically cleansed by Porky Poroshenko and his far-right minions, and before anyone knew it suddenly the entire Russian Army was invading Ukraine...Or so it seemed from early news reports, but their version of a Russian Invasion and mine differ a little, I expected to see paratroopers in Kyiv and Russian fighters cleansing the skies of the Ukrainian SU-25's that killed countless civilians, but MSM's definition was..Nothing, just images from Crimea replayed over and over, with no evidence supporting the claims that Porky was screaming, his most recent evidence was Russian passports, which only prove he doesn't know how Military's identify their soldiers. So to answer the question they didn't invade nor annex Crimea, and as for invading mainland Ukraine, no evidence was provided supporting regular army units are fighting there, the self-proclaimed republics say no Russian soldiers are there just volunteers. I highly doubt no special forces are in Ukraine I believe both Russia and the west are guilty of using special forces, can I prove it? They call them "Special forces" for a reason, they aren't dumb.

Putin is an Evil Stalin loving communist goon who kills everyone who gets in his way.
Now, I'm not a Russian but I think most is false, Putin is a typical politician and like all politicians probably has a good poker-face, so like all politicians you kind of got to guess, I'm sure Putin isn't a saint but can he be worse than anyone in the west? I highly doubt it, I in no way support any politician because I'm not one to need a leader, so this is just my unbiased neutral position. I'll admit it I can't read Putin, so he is either a straight shooter or has a hell of a poker face, being ex-KGB I imaging poker-face is probably the answer, keep in mind that no politician gets that far without a good poker-face, but I believe Putin does love his country and does oppose Western-Imperialism and Hypocritical Foreign Policy, I believe he is fighting the same people we are just in the way he does, and most importantly I believe he is in no way going to start a war so we could compare the West to Russia all day but why bother, all governments are guilty of the exact same stuff but Russia isn't bombing everyone who financially threatens them like the U.S, Russia isn't funding terrorists to overthrow governments, Russia doesn't have Military bases all over the world and neither do they shove their noses in everyone's business like the West, who sit on their high-horses judging every small nation who doesn't want a part of their World Order, so is Putin guilty of being a politician? Yup, but is he Evil and killing everyone who crosses him? We may never know but let's give him the benefit of the doubt?.

But let's get to the main issue here of why everyone jumps on Putin. Western society has descended into chaos, reality TV claims the death of more and more braincells each day, while our kids grow up in a hostile atmosphere where one picture posted online can cause years of torment, where self-loathing is cool and jesus is "Just a man" where people act like idiots changing their bodies with tattoos they'll one day regret, where people lack basic decency and no longer love their neighbor like themselves, when you get right down to it people are just too self-consumed to care about things they say to each other, they don't have time during their YOLO years to read a book, instead they check news headlines on apps and follow their favorite celebrities on twitter, all the while walking into ponds and poles..I sometimes wonder how I ended up so different, but being disabled I grew up surrounded by adults from a time before smartphones, when society had basic rules like helping others in need, and respecting your mother and father. During the nearly 20 years I've been blessed to be on this earth I've learned that at the end of the day, it's much harder to accept yourself for who you are as just another Human with flaws, then to grasp onto Villains that inflate your self-worth and make you feel better about yourself, it's much easier to say someone else is flawed than to look in the mirror and say "I am not perfect, I'm just a human being" see when you mix misinformation and a fear to accept yourself, you create Villains to make yourself feel better, and defend your political choices and world from crashing down around you. Putin is who everyone uses in the West to feel good, that they are on the "Good side" of things, fighting alongside the West to spread democracy around the world...No facts are needed for them, because in their fragile minds they are right because the only other option is accepting themselves and most importantly, they are so self-consumed they just don't give a shit about "Other peoples problems" because "That stuff can't happen to them" And sadly we won't break this cycle, they will fall for it over and over, once Nemtsov's murder is solved(if ever) we will get another event like this followed with Anti-Russian sentiment. The real murderers are out there, and their name probably isn't Vladimir Putin, regardless of what people say about him. But this post is just my take..We will see how this plays out in the long run, but hopefully I've countered some of the main things being used to support the mainstream conspiracy theory, to whoever reads this..

This has been Red Blue Paradigms, which pill will you take??  

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